Independent bookstores are not just stores, they’re community centers and local anchors run by passionate readers. They are entire universes of ideas that contain the possibility of real serendipity. They are lively performance spaces and quiet places where aimless perusal is a day well spent. In a world of tweets and algorithms and page-less digital downloads, bookstores are not a dying anachronism. They are living, breathing organisms that continue to grow and expand. And they are at your service.
So, celebrate Independent Bookstore Day with the Midtown Scholar Bookstore -– we’ll have literary-themed raffle prizes courtesy of Rain Taxi Review of Books, special discounts on used books, and FREE events throughout the entire day. Take a look at the schedule below, and we’ll see YOU on Saturday, April 29th!
11am | Children’s Illustrator Day | Join award-winning children’s authors Lauren Castillo, Jonathan Bean, Amy June Bates, and Stephen Fieser! We’ll have story time, coloring exercises, and fun books to read throughout the day.
2:30pm | Storytime with the Popcorn Hat Players! |
Popcorn Hat Players (PHP) Children’s Theatre has been entertaining children and their families since 1993, bringing fairy tales, folk tales and fables to children every year.
3pm | Local Author Meet-and-Greet
Meet local authors and writers Carla Christopher, Catherine Jordan, Don Helin, E.C. Myers, Rachel J. Good, Susan Perabo, and Harvey Freedenberg!
3:30pm | Susan Perabo in conversation with Harvey Freedenberg
Dickinson College Professor and Pushcart Prize Winning Author Susan Perabo discusses her new novel, The Fall of Lisa Bellow, with local reviewer Harvey Freedenberg.
Rain Taxi Raffle! |ALL DAY
That’s right – we’re teaming up with the Rain Taxi, an award winning book review magazine for the aesthetically adventurous reader. We’ll be giving away FREE Rain Taxi swag on Independent Bookstore Day ONLY – we’ll have Rain Taxi beanies, magazines, bookmarks, buttons, and more – you won’t want to miss this limited time raffle! Check out to subscribe, read the latest online edition of the magazine, and find great deals on chapbooks, t-shirts, beanies, broadsides, and so much more.