Author and Professor Alison Dagnes will deliver a presentation on women in politics, the 2020 election, the current state of political media, and her new book, Super Mad at Everything All the Time: Political Media and Our National Anger. This event is in partnership with AAUW Harrisburg.
One hundred years ago women finally secured the right to vote, pushed through a struggling economy, and a global pandemic was in their rear view mirrors. Fast forward a century and there has been much change... with some weird similarities. It might feel incongruous to celebrate women's suffrage when the world seems to be falling apart, but women remain the focal point of political attention, and that is significant. This talk celebrates progress through the lens of our current state of division and disaster.
About the Author:
Alison Dagnes is a professor of Political Science at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. She is the author of several books on political media and has also edited two books on political scandal, a topic that continues to keep her busy. She is interviewed frequently in the national media and gives public talks on political behavior. Prior to receiving her doctorate in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Dr. Dagnes was a producer for C-SPAN in Washington, DC.